
Rebel Alley is an alternative rock band from Chicago.  The band formed in 2022 by guitarist Jimmy Brennan, bassist Patrick Foley, and vocalist Amelia Thompson.  They were later joined by drummer Brad Cleveland in 2023.  The band has developed a mix of styles between post punk revival and garage rock, laced with heavy fuzzed guitar riffs.

The music of Rebel Alley is the result of a social science experiment performed in the '80's of allowing children to be exposed to countless hours of watching MTV at an early developmental age.  The dangers of this exposure of "pop culture media" and the "sex, drugs, and rock n roll" have resulted in these children forming an alternative rock band.  Allowing MTV to be the "babysitter" has steered this group of kids into producing heavy aggressive garage rock guitar riffs, with a touch of melodies from the post punk/new wave era, and with just a pinch of neo-psychedelia 

Although a new band from Chicago, the experience of musicianship in the band reveals a powerful live performance.   Rebel Alley will be releasing new music as singles and EP's in the very near future.  Be sure to check out and follow on social media pages or sign up on the mailer.